
« Bonner, Edmund Bonnet, Alfred Maximilien Bonnet, Jules »

Bonnet, Alfred Maximilien

BONNET, be´´nê´, ALFRED MAXIMILIEN: French classical scholar; b. at Frankfort Nov. 3, 1841. He was educated at Bonn University, and, after being a professor at the academy of Lausanne in 1866–74 and at the École Monge and the École Alsacienne at Paris in 1874–81, was successively lecturer and instructor in the faculty of letters at Montpellier. Since 1890 he has been professor of Latin in the same institution. In 1898 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Inscriptions, and has written, among other work, Narratio de miraculo a Michaele archangelo Chonis patrato, adjecto Symeonis Metaphrastæ de eadem re libello (Paris, 1890) and Le Latin de Grégoire de Tours (1890); and has prepared editions 230of the Liber de miraculis beati Andreæ apostoli, in MGH, Script. rer. Merov., i (1885), 821–846, the Acts of Thomas (Leipsic, 1883) and of Andrew (1895), and the Acta apostolorum apocrypha (1891 sqq.; in collaboration with R. A. Lipsius).

« Bonner, Edmund Bonnet, Alfred Maximilien Bonnet, Jules »
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